



「一但我們擁有這物,我們根本不會注意到它,直到它壞了,或其他人在言談裡提到它。除非它們被放置在博物館,或出現在某個特殊場合中,我們才會注意到它們在文化上的特殊性。」— Tim Dant 在《物質文化》一書中如是說。​






日期|2022/5/5 - 6/5 ​(6/3國定假日休館)


開幕|2022/5/7 14:00​

座談|2022/6/5 14:00​



The Code of Things​

‘Once acquired, we often do not notice these objects until they break or are commented on by someone else. Until they are put in a museum or turn up in a strange context, we do not notice that they are culturally distinctive.’ — ​ Tim Dant, Material Culture in the Social World​

The duo exhibition presents contemporary artists Wang Yen-Ran and Hsiung, Chieh-Kai Trained in crafts and plastic arts respectively, the two artists believe the significance of ‘things’, namely material objects, lies in their state of constant transitioning. Similar concepts have long served as one of the dominant approaches in contemporary art practices. More than just visual forms or cultural symbols, material objects are a part of us, co-existing with people and their surroundings.​

Wang Yen-Ran’s practice involves the modification and reproduction of ready-made objects as well as those acquired from retail stores. Wang discusses consumer culture and the phenomenon of globalisation using manipulation of cultural symbols and the ambiguity between handmade and industrial products. Such an example is the easily recognisable IKEA mug, which he sees has a crucial role in consumer culture being ‘representational and popular’. As subconscious imprints, the model mug has become the ultimate choice for society regarding economic consideration and aesthetic preference.​

Hsiung, Chieh-Kai’s work captures the flow of physical materials based on fragmented moments from his living experience. Material objects lose their linear narratives before undergoing scrutinisation, carrying everyday bodily gestures, habits, and perceptions in a subtle and undisturbed manner. Adopting techniques of installation and sculpture and working with images and objects, Xiong constructs a distinct yet open depiction, where elements of things dynamically create traces and mend themselves in the process, struggling to keep balance before eventually leaving emotional remains. Recurring everyday events seem to suggest a tacit understanding within the world. Perhaps it is an understanding built on the shared experience of a generational atmosphere or collective consciousness.​



⬛ 於展場內請全程配戴口罩並保持1.5公尺以上社交距離。​

⬛ 入館請確實填寫實聯制。​

⬛ 入館前請配合額溫量測及酒精消毒,超過37.5度或未配合防疫措施者謝絕入場。​

⬛ 場內禁止飲食及飲水



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