



得忌利士洋行 Douglas Lapraik & Co.

  前身為英商道格拉斯汽船公司Douglas Steamship Company),從事自香港至福州間的航運運輸。其後在1883年成立得忌利士洋行,為英國在華茶商合資經營之船運公司,其中一條航線,以廈門為連接點,經香港、汕頭、安平、打狗、滬尾。而滬尾自開港以來,1880年代已進入加速成長階段,得忌利士洋行逢其會,尤其茶市興旺,往來茶貨、人客絡繹不絕,該洋行之輪船往返滬尾、廈門、香港各埠,獨擅其利。清法戰爭滬尾之役,1884102日砲戰時,得忌利士洋行充當外僑避難的集合地點,洋行後屋竟被一枚炮彈擊垮,險象環生。洋行占地甚大,原設有碼頭,以及事務室、倉庫、住家、宿舍、檢查場和輸入品置場等。(文:張建隆)

  Douglas Lapraik & Co. was established in 1883 by the Douglas Steamship Company, a shipping company that carried goods between Hong Kong and Fuzhou. The shipping company was a joint venture between British tea merchants operating in China. One of the routes connected Xiamen with Hong Kong, Shantou, Anping, Takau and Hobe (Tamsui). By 1880 Hobe (Tamsui) had entered a period of accelerated growth as a trading port. Douglas Lapraik & Co. benefited hugely from the constant stream of tea and passengers, enjoying a virtual monopoly on the shipping between Hobe (Tamsui), Xiamen and Hong Kong. During the Sino-French War of 1884, expatriates sought refuge at the company offices during the October 2 bombardment. One of the shells even hit a rear building. The premises of Douglas Lapraik & Co. were once quite extensive. It included a wharf, offices, warehouse, residence, dormitory, first inspection site and import warehouse. Only two buildings now remain. It was eventually designated as a historic site and restoration work was completed in 2013. (Text: Chang Jian-Long)