



紅毛城 Fort San Domingo

  第一代安東尼堡,164211月落成,以荷蘭聯合東印度公司巴達維亞總督安東尼.范.帝門(Antonio van Demen)命名。當時是以竹子和泥土建造而成。不久因不堪大雨沖刷而崩壞,竹造房舍也遭回祿之災。因此於16444月重建第二代安東尼堡,為碉堡形式建築,當時設計是36呎四方,牆厚6呎,主要建材為石塊和磚、瓦等,石灰都從大員(臺南)運來。因海運不易,又屢遇風雨阻礙施工,直至16463月才完工,主體結構保留至今。由於是荷蘭人所建,俗稱紅毛城。同治611(1887),租予英國為領事館。1884年清法戰爭滬尾之役,102日砲戰時,紅毛城後牆角曾遭炮彈擊中,幸未有損傷。108日,孫開華率領清軍與登陸法軍激戰,不少外僑躲到紅毛城觀戰。(文:張建隆)

  Fort Antonio was firstly completed in November 1642 and was named after Anthony van Diemen, the governor-general of the Dutch East-India Company at the time. As it was built out of earth and bamboo, the fort was soon damaged by rain. Bamboo houses also burned down. Construction of a second Fort Antonio commenced in April 1644. A square fortress measuring 36 feet on each side with walls 6-feet thick was built. The fort was built mainly out of stone, brick and tile, with all of the lime shipped from Dayuan (Tainan). The fort was not completed until March 1646 due to the shipping was not easy and the bad weather. The main structure remains intact today. As it was built by the Dutch it was known to locals as the Hongmaocheng (literally “Red Hair Fort”). In November 1867, it was leased to the British for use as their consulate. During the Sino-French War of 1884, the rear corner of Fort Antonio was struck by a shell from the French bombardment on October 2 during the Battle of Tamsui. Fortunately, it did little damage. On October 8, the Qing troop under the command of Gerneral Sun Kai-hua had a fierce fight with the landing French troop. (Text: Jian-Long Chang)